Two poems appear at the wonderful Gloom Cupboard # 14, alongside work by Rob Plath and Stephen Hines.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Origami Condom # 4
I have two poems published in the forthcoming edition, # 4, of the excellent Origami Condom.
Friday, December 07, 2007
Music of 2007
In no order:
Radiohead - In Rainbows
Adele - Hometown Glory
M83 - Digital Shades Vol I
Nico - The Frozen Borderline
Rilo Kiley - Under the Blacklight
PJ Harvey - White Chalk
L.Pierre - Dip
Epic45 - May your Heart be the Map
Trembling Blue Stars - The Last Holy Writer
Thirteen Senses - Contact
Radiohead - In Rainbows
Adele - Hometown Glory
M83 - Digital Shades Vol I
Nico - The Frozen Borderline
Rilo Kiley - Under the Blacklight
PJ Harvey - White Chalk
L.Pierre - Dip
Epic45 - May your Heart be the Map
Trembling Blue Stars - The Last Holy Writer
Thirteen Senses - Contact
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Poems at Type A B +
Alongside the very wonderful Misti Rainwater-Lites, David McLean and Sean B Chance, I have had 5 poems published on this excellent site.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
A Hunger for Mourning by David McLean

erbacce Press are proud to announce the release of A Hunger for Mourning by David McLean.
McLean says "This is a chapbook with 52 poems written recently. None had been accepted for publication at the time. Some have since. They are about the night, sex, death, substance abuse, borderlines and crossing them, and the grave that awaits us full of fathers and nothing."
Two reviews:
David McLean is no slouch when it comes to putting words onto the page - if you've witnessed his prodigious output on his myspace page it will come as no surprise that the 40 or so poems in a hunger for mourning were all written within the space of two or three weeks. So don't buy this book if you're looking for polished gems cut and honed to perfection, what you get here is not so much a collection as a slice of the life of the muse of David McLean - and what a powerful muse it is! It's a worm of the dragon kind, though he keeps his wings folded, compulsively snouting through the undergrowth and the detritus layers of the soil looking for bitter roots to chew and bones to blacken, and just occasionally looking up with a curiously boy-like twinkle in his eyes. So relentless is this beast that sometimes the poet seems to tire of the effort of controlling it - here and there a poem tapers off or succumbs to flippancy, and some words become repetitive and rob his vision of some of it's potency - but mostly he maintains a determinedly persistent course. (You may need a dictionary for some of his words, by the way, I did!) His themes are consistent, his humour dry and his vision dark, and poems often seem to morph one into the other. It might all become too familiar if it were not for the poet's able wordcraft and that incredibly strong sense of his muse writhing it's way through it all. There is some fine poetry here, but I have no doubt the poet would be stunned if anyone were to make too many claims for what is, after all, just the poems that he happened to write in those particular two or three weeks in a year of apparently non-stop writing. What excites most is the prospect of meeting that muse again six months down the line, I have no doubt I will recognise it - or will I? The real reason you should get yourself a copy of a hunger for mourning is not to pick out any one treasure, but to marvel at the living entity that is the ongoing poetic progeny of David McLean.
by Ceris Dien
I'm in labor as I write this review, which shows how much I love David McLean's poetry. David's poems philosophize with spits and snarls. The poems are well-crafted without being bone dry and boring. In short, David's poetry contains meaty, juicy lines, lines you can sink your teeth into. Although A Hunger For Mourning is available as a download, I recommend buying an actual copy of the book so you will have something tangible and solid in your hands that you can return to again and again. And David needs money for Swedish beer. It isn't as cheap as you might think.
by Misti Rainwater-Lites
ISBN: 978-0-9555-7545-7
40 pages
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Otoliths[from the editor]
Issue seven of Otoliths has just gone live. It's as eclectic as ever, but that means there's something there for everybody. Lined up in this issue are Sheila E. Murphy, Nico Vassilakis, Anny Ballardini, Vernon Frazer, Matina L. Stamatakis, Geof Huth, Matt Hetherington, derek beaulieu, Andrew Taylor, Nigel Long, Marko Niemi, Michael Steven, Anne Heide, Mark Prejsnar, Márton Koppány, Jim Leftwich, Catherine Daly, Bill Drennan, Julian Jason Haladyn, Alexander Jorgensen, Jeff Harrison, Paul Siegell, Robert Gauldie, Martin Edmond, Raymond Farr, John M. Bennett, John M. Bennett & Friends, Andrew Topel & John M. Bennett, Andrew Topel, Mark Cunningham, Jeff Crouch, Randall Brock, Eileen R. Tabios, Jordan Stempleman, Daniel f. Bradley, Lars Palm, harry k stammer, Karri Kokko, Katrinka Moore, Tom Hibbard, dan raphael & David-Baptiste Chirot. It's what Hieronymous Bosch dreamt about, a Garden of Earthly Delights.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Out Now

Two new publications by Andrew Taylor
Temporary Residence [ISBN: 978-0-9555-7543-3]
collects poems and a piece of poetics from a residency at The Loft Space Gallery in Liverpool in early 2007. It is available as a PDF download and as a chapbook from Lulu and a chapbook from erbacce Press. 20 pages. To buy direct from Lulu click here. To contact erbacce Press click here.
collects poems and a piece of poetics from a residency at The Loft Space Gallery in Liverpool in early 2007. It is available as a PDF download and as a chapbook from Lulu and a chapbook from erbacce Press. 20 pages. To buy direct from Lulu click here. To contact erbacce Press click here.
also available
Poetry and Skin Cream [2nd edition] [ISBN:978-0-9555-7540-2]
Monday, October 22, 2007
Coming soon...
A reprint of my 2004 chapbook Poetry and Skin Cream and a new collection, Temporary Residence are to be published by erbacce Press. The new artwork was designed by James at eyefever.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Poetry reading at Edge Hill University
Cornelius & Jones presents
Erin Mouré
Thursday 25th October 7.30pmTickets £3.50 all
Erín Mouré is one of Canada's most eminent and respected poets. Winner of the Governor General's Award for Furious and the Pat Lowther Memorial Award for Domestic Fuel, Mouré has published twelve books of poetry, including A Frame of the Book and Little Theatres (shortlisted for the Governor General's Award, the Griffin Prize and winner of the AM Klein prize).
She also has five books of poetry in translation, including Sheep's Vigil by a Fervent Person, short listed for the 2002 Griffin Poetry Prize and the 2002 City of Toronto Book Prize. Her latest book of poetry, O Cadoiro, appeared in April from House of Anansi in Canada.
Edge Hill’s Poetry and Poetics Group will also be launching its first CD.
This event will take place in Studio 4 of the Performing Arts Centre.
The Edge Hill Poetry and Poetics group members are:
Robert Sheppard, Andrew Taylor, Cliff Yates, Dee McMahon, Alice Lenkiewicz, Matt Fallaize and Angela Keaton.
Erin Mouré
Thursday 25th October 7.30pmTickets £3.50 all
Erín Mouré is one of Canada's most eminent and respected poets. Winner of the Governor General's Award for Furious and the Pat Lowther Memorial Award for Domestic Fuel, Mouré has published twelve books of poetry, including A Frame of the Book and Little Theatres (shortlisted for the Governor General's Award, the Griffin Prize and winner of the AM Klein prize).
She also has five books of poetry in translation, including Sheep's Vigil by a Fervent Person, short listed for the 2002 Griffin Poetry Prize and the 2002 City of Toronto Book Prize. Her latest book of poetry, O Cadoiro, appeared in April from House of Anansi in Canada.
Edge Hill’s Poetry and Poetics Group will also be launching its first CD.
This event will take place in Studio 4 of the Performing Arts Centre.
The Edge Hill Poetry and Poetics group members are:
Robert Sheppard, Andrew Taylor, Cliff Yates, Dee McMahon, Alice Lenkiewicz, Matt Fallaize and Angela Keaton.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
erbacce Press
erbacce Press has recently published its first chapbook.
'Bum Rap' by Alan Corkish ISBN: 978-0-9555754-1-9.
Forthcoming titles:
'Lace-circled Darkness' by Lynn Strongin
'Temporary Residence' by Andrew Taylor
and a reissue of 'Poetry and Skin Cream' by Andrew Taylor.
More details to follow.
'Bum Rap' by Alan Corkish ISBN: 978-0-9555754-1-9.
Forthcoming titles:
'Lace-circled Darkness' by Lynn Strongin
'Temporary Residence' by Andrew Taylor
and a reissue of 'Poetry and Skin Cream' by Andrew Taylor.
More details to follow.
Friday, September 07, 2007
Poetry in Liverpool
An interesting site with links to past and present Liverpool poets and useful information regarding the Liverpool poetry scene has come to my attention. Check it out.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
A new manifesto from Unquiet Desperation
The Manifesto
The counterculture is shattered. A movement that once screamed against the torpor of our time-fettered society is in shards, each fragment reflecting only the petty needs of its adherents. Whether an acolyte of one of the kaleidoscope of self-obsessed musical and literary subcultures, an obsessive over some futile political cause or worse a soul lost to those games and worlds existing only in the circuits of counting machines, we are the heirs of those with grander visions, and their shades regard us with scorn. Those dwellers of high halls that profit from our continued acceptance of the worksheep ethic are pleased: a splintered counterculture leaves them unchallenged, no voice against us squandering our days to gild their cages further. Any hint of resistance and they spew out songs from tame alternative bands, songs that speak of loneliness and shuttered rebellion. Pacification accomplished; nothing deadens like corporate nihilism. It is clear: the counterculture is broken, and it is broken because it is corrupted. Our only chance of liberty is to mend it and to do that we must look back, and heed the lessons of our wild free forebears. First the Transcendentalists of the nineteenth century and then the Beats of the fifties rejected the constraints of their times and took another, more perilous path: not only did they enter the wilderness, seeking existence away from the distractions of society, but they also sought knowledge. Their exploration was inner as well as outer. Unfortunately the Fall would come before the Beats attained enlightenment: they were swept up in the chaos of the sixties. Counterculture decayed, sliding from a flame-eyed band of literary ascetics, men and women that knew the road to true understanding was hard and long, into a hydra-headed youth movement, seeking escape and instant answers, its music already infected by the corporate world it professed to reject. If we are to forge a new counterculture we must reject this slide into factionalism, and follow the example of Thoreau and Emerson, of Ginsberg, Kerouac and Burroughs. We must reject the illusory choices our society forces on us, and strike out on our own quest to experience existence in its rawest, purest form. It will not be easy. The life of the outlaw artist, the outlaw writer disturbs loved ones and invites assault from right and left: honesty infuriates both sides of the political divide. Despite this, our first steps should not be without hope. We are forewarned that the drug-fixated and cultish short-cuts of the sixties lead only to dead ends, and know that though solitude is occasionally necessary Thoreau was never alone for too long in Walden, and even the archetypal outlaw writer, Burroughs, felt drawn to those of like mind. Indeed, this is the lesson to take from the Transcendentalists and the Beats: though comprised of individuals on their own paths to enlightenment, they came together and collaborated to telling effect on their generations and those after. We must be the same: though we draw apart from the petty lives of our peers, it will not be lonely. We will find those like us, and in the end will travel the road together. Looking beyond the shards, we see something deeper, something higher, something enduring. The spirit of creativity still smoulders in the cities and the suburbs, and our recapturing of the spirit of those glorious pioneers will set it alight. We will form the nucleus of a reborn counterculture, no longer shattered, and stand as a beacon to those seeking escape from their groundhog lives. A new movement is forming: can we afford to stand aside? Of course not. We must be at its centre, driving it with the wisdom we will gain. The knowledge we reveal will enlighten the world.
Unquiet Desperation
The counterculture is shattered. A movement that once screamed against the torpor of our time-fettered society is in shards, each fragment reflecting only the petty needs of its adherents. Whether an acolyte of one of the kaleidoscope of self-obsessed musical and literary subcultures, an obsessive over some futile political cause or worse a soul lost to those games and worlds existing only in the circuits of counting machines, we are the heirs of those with grander visions, and their shades regard us with scorn. Those dwellers of high halls that profit from our continued acceptance of the worksheep ethic are pleased: a splintered counterculture leaves them unchallenged, no voice against us squandering our days to gild their cages further. Any hint of resistance and they spew out songs from tame alternative bands, songs that speak of loneliness and shuttered rebellion. Pacification accomplished; nothing deadens like corporate nihilism. It is clear: the counterculture is broken, and it is broken because it is corrupted. Our only chance of liberty is to mend it and to do that we must look back, and heed the lessons of our wild free forebears. First the Transcendentalists of the nineteenth century and then the Beats of the fifties rejected the constraints of their times and took another, more perilous path: not only did they enter the wilderness, seeking existence away from the distractions of society, but they also sought knowledge. Their exploration was inner as well as outer. Unfortunately the Fall would come before the Beats attained enlightenment: they were swept up in the chaos of the sixties. Counterculture decayed, sliding from a flame-eyed band of literary ascetics, men and women that knew the road to true understanding was hard and long, into a hydra-headed youth movement, seeking escape and instant answers, its music already infected by the corporate world it professed to reject. If we are to forge a new counterculture we must reject this slide into factionalism, and follow the example of Thoreau and Emerson, of Ginsberg, Kerouac and Burroughs. We must reject the illusory choices our society forces on us, and strike out on our own quest to experience existence in its rawest, purest form. It will not be easy. The life of the outlaw artist, the outlaw writer disturbs loved ones and invites assault from right and left: honesty infuriates both sides of the political divide. Despite this, our first steps should not be without hope. We are forewarned that the drug-fixated and cultish short-cuts of the sixties lead only to dead ends, and know that though solitude is occasionally necessary Thoreau was never alone for too long in Walden, and even the archetypal outlaw writer, Burroughs, felt drawn to those of like mind. Indeed, this is the lesson to take from the Transcendentalists and the Beats: though comprised of individuals on their own paths to enlightenment, they came together and collaborated to telling effect on their generations and those after. We must be the same: though we draw apart from the petty lives of our peers, it will not be lonely. We will find those like us, and in the end will travel the road together. Looking beyond the shards, we see something deeper, something higher, something enduring. The spirit of creativity still smoulders in the cities and the suburbs, and our recapturing of the spirit of those glorious pioneers will set it alight. We will form the nucleus of a reborn counterculture, no longer shattered, and stand as a beacon to those seeking escape from their groundhog lives. A new movement is forming: can we afford to stand aside? Of course not. We must be at its centre, driving it with the wisdom we will gain. The knowledge we reveal will enlighten the world.
Unquiet Desperation
Monday, August 06, 2007
Unquiet Desperation 1.16
I have placed copies of Unquiet Desperation 1.16, which is free, in the following places:
Liverpool Central Library
William Brown Street
[on the 2nd floor Literature section]
the egg Cafe
2nd Floor16 - 18 Newington
L1 4ED
Probe Records
9 Slater Street
L1 4BW
Liverpool Central Library
William Brown Street
[on the 2nd floor Literature section]
the egg Cafe
2nd Floor16 - 18 Newington
L1 4ED
Probe Records
9 Slater Street
L1 4BW
Monday, July 23, 2007
erbacce # 10
erbacce 10 is at the printers and will hopefully be back with us on the 28th July 2007 for distribution to subscribers and contributors.
The poets in 10 are:
The poets in 10 are:
Ursula Hurley
Christopher Barnes
David McClean
Lynn Strongin
Greg Buddery
Noel Sloboda
Emily Wright
Karl Gielinck
Khalid Khan
Paul Tanner
Sam Smith
Nell Grey
As usual, copies will be for sale at £2 from:
News from Nowhere
96 Bold Street
L1 4HY
Linghams Booksellers
9 Banks Road
West Kirby
Ch48 0QX
for submissions and subscription details:
erbacce is edited by Alan Corkish and Andrew Taylor.
the erbacce office is located at:
5 Farrell Close
L31 1BU
erbacce is an independent publication.
We receive no funding.
Proudly independent since May Day 2004.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Zygote in my Coffee
A recent poem from my residency at the Loft Space in Liverpool called 'Analgesic' has been published in Zygote in my Coffee # 89. Visit the site here.
Friday, June 01, 2007
Poems published at the Bold Street Blog
Friday, May 25, 2007
When the City Speaks: The City is the Stage …
Artists will become the flaneur - city walkers for the day - using the urban space as a stage and the psycho-geographic setting to create art derived and inspired by it.
To create artefacts of what has been seen, found and experienced and memorised on the day of the walk. The situation will be an impromptu one, so the work made on the day will formed from the urban exploration.
The focus will be the city as a hybrid culture and the artists are to examine its sub-cultures, such as the graffiti artists, tattoo artists, city icons and whatever is considered as an underground scene and the banal and everyday things that often go unnoticed and more. It will be an exploration of the visual language and symbolism in the city space.
OutcomeThe cultural examinations by each artist will then be represented through a chosen mode of expression and media on sections of paper to convey their experiences. This could be through text, painting, drawing, collage, photography, etc..
This programme will run in three city, starting with Liverpool (UK) in June 2007 moving to London (UK) and then Paris (France).Liverpool, June 2007.London, July 2007.Paris, August 2007.
If you are interested in participating email Jo Derbyshire at
For further information on this project go to or
Artists will become the flaneur - city walkers for the day - using the urban space as a stage and the psycho-geographic setting to create art derived and inspired by it.
To create artefacts of what has been seen, found and experienced and memorised on the day of the walk. The situation will be an impromptu one, so the work made on the day will formed from the urban exploration.
The focus will be the city as a hybrid culture and the artists are to examine its sub-cultures, such as the graffiti artists, tattoo artists, city icons and whatever is considered as an underground scene and the banal and everyday things that often go unnoticed and more. It will be an exploration of the visual language and symbolism in the city space.
OutcomeThe cultural examinations by each artist will then be represented through a chosen mode of expression and media on sections of paper to convey their experiences. This could be through text, painting, drawing, collage, photography, etc..
This programme will run in three city, starting with Liverpool (UK) in June 2007 moving to London (UK) and then Paris (France).Liverpool, June 2007.London, July 2007.Paris, August 2007.
If you are interested in participating email Jo Derbyshire at
For further information on this project go to or
Thursday, May 24, 2007
The following poems were first published in Incite in 2000. I thought it was about time they appeared again.
Comfort and Joy
Wearing Sunflowers
or Tendre Poison
cab it to the Strand
create a stir with
what you wear
and the wake of
essence trailing by
Into The Star watch
the crowds part at
the bar as you weave a magic spell
'half a lager and scotch
and coke please'
take the
corner table and watch
as the noise dies down
Rub your foot onto my
instep as you peek
into your shopping bags
showing me the label
of crisp white cotton knickers
The space left as you
go to powder your nose
fills with the stares of
envious men wearing tracksuits and expensive
catalogue club jewellery
Wearing the tight MozzerT-shirt to bed as the sun
begins to set the bed seems
small as the Sunflowers
turn in and the poison begins
to seep out of my body
The steely early winter
wind stirs up the litter,
as I wait outside Central
Station watching the paper
sellers packing up.
I'm off to the Everyman
and you've agreed to comewith me and still I wait, the
station concourse empty nowand still I wait.
One and a half hours later
you turn up out of breath,
stammering apologies about
looking after your brother's kids, I whisper it's fine and it is.
In the Bistro's Third Room
after the performance, people
are trying to get me to stayout drinking, but I've a last train
to catch and you offer to drive me.
After a few pints of Guinness,we're in your Mum's battered
green 'P' reg Cortina and I'm slowly shaking my head in pure
disbelief that YOU are driving ME.
A revelation in jeans shuffling
into the lecture theatre late 'Seen
her?' I whisper to my mate 'Yeah
tasty', if there is such a thing
as being able to be knocked down with a feather, that would've been the time to topple me.
Unable to sleep on Toddy's brother's sofa that night, despite
whiskey and Joy Division,the last words I uttered to you that night were 'I'll ring you
tomorrow to check you get home OK'
as the slightest swirls of snow were beginning to fall.
Wordsworth and Bukowski
'Adny, you're tooyoung to really have
suffered', she said.'He's older than he
looks, you know.'I laugh inwardly as
the discussion
turns from, Wordsworth to Bukowski.
'I mean, look
at those teeth. Too
straight and clean
for somebodywho has suffered.'
I can't get away
from the fact that Bukowski says
more to
me than Wordsworth.
'I'm not sayingthat Wordsworth
didn't write anything
good, I'm just saying that Bukowski was alive the same time as me.'
Alan says, 'But Wordsworth wrote some amazing stuff - what about The Prelude?'
Pam agrees and I drink my coffee
and think about the fact that I am
being scrutinised
about my work
and that Wordsworth
and Buk are being
mentioned in the same breath.
Head in the Clouds
Wish for my trousers
to be undone while you
stare casually across the room, fringe sitting coyly
across those eyes.
Cast yourself in the role
of dream giver, come to my way of thinking
as the summer gives way
to autumn.
Travel with me down
the Bold Street of old,
where innocence mixed
with apprehension caused
a cocktail of despair.
Meander over with intent
in your eyes, stop and breathe
with the purpose that you crave.
Draw me deep inside feel the
depth of feeling and embrace it.
No Need To Talk
The lights on the horizon
sparkle like fairy lights.
The tide is drawing nearer
as the night air turns colder.
Here they roll down
towards the tiny hotel
where strangers are
made welcome.
Gathering sticks along the shore as the gulls
swoop low. The promise
of whiskey driving us along.
Thriving on the chance
to explain myself away,
you patiently sit, legs intrademark 501s.
Full circle. Ten years on we sit no need to talk.
It's enough to watchyou through the rising coffee cup steam.
Aranyi(for JS and CG)
Spring is in the air and there's a spring in your step.
Guilt about new found happiness dissipates
as I assure you that it's what I need to hear.
Steaming pots of tea and there's a hush settling over the table.
As you embark on a journey of half-missed chances,
how about it being written in the stars?
The city centre grinds on and there's a definite glow about you, regardless
of the clouds laying heavy with rain.
Bask in the new found rays of light, taste the first flush of love and embrace it,
allow it to mask the debris that litters our lives. Find yourselves arm in arm.
Discover calm in the plans that you make, delight in the ordinary,
the cereal packet on the table the toast half-eaten at 7 a.m.
Caress all that is to come, scan the future's vista and floorboard it.
(c) Andrew Taylor 2000
The following poems were first published in Incite in 2000. I thought it was about time they appeared again.
Comfort and Joy
Wearing Sunflowers
or Tendre Poison
cab it to the Strand
create a stir with
what you wear
and the wake of
essence trailing by
Into The Star watch
the crowds part at
the bar as you weave a magic spell
'half a lager and scotch
and coke please'
take the
corner table and watch
as the noise dies down
Rub your foot onto my
instep as you peek
into your shopping bags
showing me the label
of crisp white cotton knickers
The space left as you
go to powder your nose
fills with the stares of
envious men wearing tracksuits and expensive
catalogue club jewellery
Wearing the tight MozzerT-shirt to bed as the sun
begins to set the bed seems
small as the Sunflowers
turn in and the poison begins
to seep out of my body
The steely early winter
wind stirs up the litter,
as I wait outside Central
Station watching the paper
sellers packing up.
I'm off to the Everyman
and you've agreed to comewith me and still I wait, the
station concourse empty nowand still I wait.
One and a half hours later
you turn up out of breath,
stammering apologies about
looking after your brother's kids, I whisper it's fine and it is.
In the Bistro's Third Room
after the performance, people
are trying to get me to stayout drinking, but I've a last train
to catch and you offer to drive me.
After a few pints of Guinness,we're in your Mum's battered
green 'P' reg Cortina and I'm slowly shaking my head in pure
disbelief that YOU are driving ME.
A revelation in jeans shuffling
into the lecture theatre late 'Seen
her?' I whisper to my mate 'Yeah
tasty', if there is such a thing
as being able to be knocked down with a feather, that would've been the time to topple me.
Unable to sleep on Toddy's brother's sofa that night, despite
whiskey and Joy Division,the last words I uttered to you that night were 'I'll ring you
tomorrow to check you get home OK'
as the slightest swirls of snow were beginning to fall.
Wordsworth and Bukowski
'Adny, you're tooyoung to really have
suffered', she said.'He's older than he
looks, you know.'I laugh inwardly as
the discussion
turns from, Wordsworth to Bukowski.
'I mean, look
at those teeth. Too
straight and clean
for somebodywho has suffered.'
I can't get away
from the fact that Bukowski says
more to
me than Wordsworth.
'I'm not sayingthat Wordsworth
didn't write anything
good, I'm just saying that Bukowski was alive the same time as me.'
Alan says, 'But Wordsworth wrote some amazing stuff - what about The Prelude?'
Pam agrees and I drink my coffee
and think about the fact that I am
being scrutinised
about my work
and that Wordsworth
and Buk are being
mentioned in the same breath.
Head in the Clouds
Wish for my trousers
to be undone while you
stare casually across the room, fringe sitting coyly
across those eyes.
Cast yourself in the role
of dream giver, come to my way of thinking
as the summer gives way
to autumn.
Travel with me down
the Bold Street of old,
where innocence mixed
with apprehension caused
a cocktail of despair.
Meander over with intent
in your eyes, stop and breathe
with the purpose that you crave.
Draw me deep inside feel the
depth of feeling and embrace it.
No Need To Talk
The lights on the horizon
sparkle like fairy lights.
The tide is drawing nearer
as the night air turns colder.
Here they roll down
towards the tiny hotel
where strangers are
made welcome.
Gathering sticks along the shore as the gulls
swoop low. The promise
of whiskey driving us along.
Thriving on the chance
to explain myself away,
you patiently sit, legs intrademark 501s.
Full circle. Ten years on we sit no need to talk.
It's enough to watchyou through the rising coffee cup steam.
Aranyi(for JS and CG)
Spring is in the air and there's a spring in your step.
Guilt about new found happiness dissipates
as I assure you that it's what I need to hear.
Steaming pots of tea and there's a hush settling over the table.
As you embark on a journey of half-missed chances,
how about it being written in the stars?
The city centre grinds on and there's a definite glow about you, regardless
of the clouds laying heavy with rain.
Bask in the new found rays of light, taste the first flush of love and embrace it,
allow it to mask the debris that litters our lives. Find yourselves arm in arm.
Discover calm in the plans that you make, delight in the ordinary,
the cereal packet on the table the toast half-eaten at 7 a.m.
Caress all that is to come, scan the future's vista and floorboard it.
(c) Andrew Taylor 2000
Monday, April 30, 2007
Poetics published at Otoliths.
The excellent Otoliths website has kindly published the poetics from my recent residency at The Loft Space Gallery in Liverpool. Click here.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
erbacce # 9
The following poets appear in erbacce # 9. The magazine will be sent to subscribers and contributors upon delivery from the printers. Thank you.
Mario Susko
Sharmagne Leland-St John
Colleen Totz Diamond
alex willie singerman
Linda Benninghoff
Lorette C Luzajic
Harry R Wilkens
Jan Oscar Hansen
Brian Blackwell
Jonathan Kelley
James Murphy
Caitlin Louise
David Callin
Paul Tannin
Adam Fish
MG Egan
Lee Firth
Daniel Adey
Peter Bowen
david mclean
Jennifer Hunt
A.D. Winans
John Thomson
Hannah Inglis
Geraldine Green
George Thurman
Douglas Mowbray
Friday, April 13, 2007
Poem published.
' they scatter the birds' has been published at the excellent Silenced Press. Visit their website to view.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007
Review of Nietzsche's Urbanised Icon
Review of Nietzsche's Urbanised Icon at the Loft Space, Liverpool, England, Collaboration by Tony Knox and Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney, Curated by Jo Derbyshire, 18 March 2007.
Sweeney and Knox's collaboration is both interesting and thought provoking. Using the gallery in an interesting way – its white walls are used sparingly, to provide the visitor with the sensation of space. Knox, using photographs taken on successive Remembrance Sundays, of war 'heroes' honouring their fallen comrades brings a sense of loss to the fore. The most striking image is of a wheelchair bound veteran, sat next to a youngster (who I presume to be his Great-Grandson), who share regimental colours. Knox further utilises the space with the continuation of the theme of the photographs, using lettering installed at a right angle, on the fresh white walls that reads:to the departed friend and to us all his servants life everlastingSweeney known largely for her 'live art', has developed a strong counter position to Knox's photographs in the shape of 'Portrait of a Tin Soldier', a sculpture mounted onto a blank canvas. The sculpture, made from recycled metal thread with cotton, highlights the former position of the tin soldier in society and its disposability. In this context, allied to Knox's images of the War veteran, the tin soldier becomes a symbol of war alongside the attendant position of victorious hero. Sweeney shows the fragility of the memory of war (we are after all, 60 plus years on from the end of World War II) by displaying photocopied images of the piece, scattered around the base of the sculpture. Though the sculpture is reclaimed metal – the metal given a second chance, the paper copies will eventually return to organic matter. By choosing understatement in this exhibition, the two artists have allowed visitors the space and time to interact in a respectful manner. I found the exhibition to be moving and thought provoking. Andrew TaylorPoet-in-residence, Loft Space Gallery.Further information on the upcoming projects at the Loft Space, contact Jo Derbyshire (Curator of Loft Space Project) on or 07946353251. Viewing is by appointment (
Sweeney and Knox's collaboration is both interesting and thought provoking. Using the gallery in an interesting way – its white walls are used sparingly, to provide the visitor with the sensation of space. Knox, using photographs taken on successive Remembrance Sundays, of war 'heroes' honouring their fallen comrades brings a sense of loss to the fore. The most striking image is of a wheelchair bound veteran, sat next to a youngster (who I presume to be his Great-Grandson), who share regimental colours. Knox further utilises the space with the continuation of the theme of the photographs, using lettering installed at a right angle, on the fresh white walls that reads:to the departed friend and to us all his servants life everlastingSweeney known largely for her 'live art', has developed a strong counter position to Knox's photographs in the shape of 'Portrait of a Tin Soldier', a sculpture mounted onto a blank canvas. The sculpture, made from recycled metal thread with cotton, highlights the former position of the tin soldier in society and its disposability. In this context, allied to Knox's images of the War veteran, the tin soldier becomes a symbol of war alongside the attendant position of victorious hero. Sweeney shows the fragility of the memory of war (we are after all, 60 plus years on from the end of World War II) by displaying photocopied images of the piece, scattered around the base of the sculpture. Though the sculpture is reclaimed metal – the metal given a second chance, the paper copies will eventually return to organic matter. By choosing understatement in this exhibition, the two artists have allowed visitors the space and time to interact in a respectful manner. I found the exhibition to be moving and thought provoking. Andrew TaylorPoet-in-residence, Loft Space Gallery.Further information on the upcoming projects at the Loft Space, contact Jo Derbyshire (Curator of Loft Space Project) on or 07946353251. Viewing is by appointment (
"Renditions of Taylor"
Click here for a performance of one of my poems by Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney and George Lund.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Poetry Reading
I will be reading as part of the support to Harriet Tarlo, who is reading at Edge Hill University's Rose Theatre, on Thursday March 22nd at 7.30pm, £3.50. More details here.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Unquiet Desperation 1.11
Look around some of the various outlets in Liverpool for your free copy of the excellent zine. (and hidden copies in Central Library!)
Monday, February 26, 2007
An englyn from the Loft Space Residency
Thursday, February 22, 2007
My poem, 'A Snowy Night In Greenwich Village' has been accepted for publication by Unquiet Desperation magazine. The magazine describes itself thus: "poetry, prose, views and visual art for those who know; distributed free in fortunate locations around the world."
It is a quality publication which I received through the post with a CD that I had ordered.
More info.
It is a quality publication which I received through the post with a CD that I had ordered.
More info.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Review of poetry exhibition at The Loft Space
Follow this link to art in liverpool, for a review of my exhibition at The Loft Space.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Poetry Exhibition at The Loft Space
From February 4th until February 10th, there will be an exhibition of my poetry at Jo Derbyshire's 'The Loft Space' in Liverpool. As I mentioned in a previous post, I am poet-in residence at 'The Loft Space' too. To gain access to the space please contact Jo Derbyshire direct via email: or telephone: 07946353251.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Poetry residency at 'The Loft Space', Dingle, Liverpool
I have started my residency at Liverpool artist Jo Derbyshire's 'Loft Space' project in Liverpool. This exciting venture was conceived by Derbyshire as she converted the loft space in her home into her studio. Whilst Derbyshire renovates the property in Elswick Street, she has turned the renovated loft/studio into a gallery space with exhibitions running until March 2007. The timetable for the exhibitions follows:
28 January 2007 - 3 February 2007 On The Waterfront by Irene McLoughlin.
04 February 2007 - 10 February 2007 Poetry Installation by Andrew Taylor.
11February 2007 - 17 February 2007 Pastel Series by Peter Worthington.
18 February 2007 - 24 February 2007 The Place where we live -Andrew Hodge and June Rose H.
25 February 2007 - 03 March 2007 Jazamin Sinclair and Karen Henley.
4 March 2007 - 10 March 2007 City, Regeneration, Redevelopment and Waste, ACEO's.
11March 2007- 18 March 2007 Nietzsche's Urbanised Icon by Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney and Tony Knox.
25 March 2007 - 31 March 2007 Book Launch Preview.
I will be exhibiting poems that were written during two previous residencies I undertook at Liverpool Architecture and Design Trust and Liverpool Cathedral.
It is my intention to visit the Elswick Street property and space regularly throughout its duration as the Loft Space and react to it and the exhibitions by writing poetry. A publication will gather the work that is produced during the residency.
To visit 'The Loft Space' contact Jo Derbyshire direct via email: or telephone: 07946353251.
I may post works in progress on this blog.
28 January 2007 - 3 February 2007 On The Waterfront by Irene McLoughlin.
04 February 2007 - 10 February 2007 Poetry Installation by Andrew Taylor.
11February 2007 - 17 February 2007 Pastel Series by Peter Worthington.
18 February 2007 - 24 February 2007 The Place where we live -Andrew Hodge and June Rose H.
25 February 2007 - 03 March 2007 Jazamin Sinclair and Karen Henley.
4 March 2007 - 10 March 2007 City, Regeneration, Redevelopment and Waste, ACEO's.
11March 2007- 18 March 2007 Nietzsche's Urbanised Icon by Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney and Tony Knox.
25 March 2007 - 31 March 2007 Book Launch Preview.
I will be exhibiting poems that were written during two previous residencies I undertook at Liverpool Architecture and Design Trust and Liverpool Cathedral.
It is my intention to visit the Elswick Street property and space regularly throughout its duration as the Loft Space and react to it and the exhibitions by writing poetry. A publication will gather the work that is produced during the residency.
To visit 'The Loft Space' contact Jo Derbyshire direct via email: or telephone: 07946353251.
I may post works in progress on this blog.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
The Binturong Review
I have just had four poems published in the new magazine The Binturong Review. The magazine is up to its fourth issue and is seeking new submissions. The magazine is stocked at News from Nowhere, Bold Street, Liverpool and negotiations are in place for further stockists in the north-west. Submit work to
This magazine deserves your support.
This magazine deserves your support.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Joanna Newsom, Manchester Bridgewater Hall, January 15th 2007.
As you can see from the list of bands I have seen since Echo and the Bunnymen at Liverpool Empire on April 26th 1981, I have visited many a venue and city in the pursuit of entertainment. Another such visit happened on Monday evening. Manchester, so-called rival to our own fair city, was the location for Joanna Newsom at the Bridgewater Hall. I have been to the Bridgewater Hall twice before, to see Durutti Column and Crosby and Nash, but Monday's visit was SO good I had to write something about it here. Now, I read Mojo and Uncut magazines monthly and a startling review brought my attention to Ms. Newsom's latest recording Ys (Drag City records). I facilitated a listen and then bought not one but three copies of the album as Christmas presents. What else pricked up my ears was the news that Steve Albini engineered the album and Van Dyke Parks had arranged the strings and co-produced the recording with Ms Newsom. I consider the album the best album of 2006.
But, I digress. The concert on Monday ranks as one of my top five of all time, (along with Pink Floyd 1994 and The Smiths, New Order and the Fall (same bill)1986). As soon as Newsom arrived on stage I was transfixed. 'Emily' from the new recording is over 10 mins long and as Newsom raised her hands to prepare for playing her harp and the conductor of the Northern Sinfonia raised his baton, the capacity crowd were equally transfixed. My companion, who disliked the Ys recording because of Ms Newsom's voice, regarded her as a 'genius' and has since changed his mind (as I suspected) of the album.
Sometimes words are inadequate. On this subject they are. Joanna Newsom is indeed, a genius.
But, I digress. The concert on Monday ranks as one of my top five of all time, (along with Pink Floyd 1994 and The Smiths, New Order and the Fall (same bill)1986). As soon as Newsom arrived on stage I was transfixed. 'Emily' from the new recording is over 10 mins long and as Newsom raised her hands to prepare for playing her harp and the conductor of the Northern Sinfonia raised his baton, the capacity crowd were equally transfixed. My companion, who disliked the Ys recording because of Ms Newsom's voice, regarded her as a 'genius' and has since changed his mind (as I suspected) of the album.
Sometimes words are inadequate. On this subject they are. Joanna Newsom is indeed, a genius.
Monday, January 08, 2007
There has been a few enquiries regarding the bands I have seen over the years. Following on from Jonny's Gig List here is a list of the bands I have seen since my first: Echo and the Bunnymen and The Blue Orchids at Liverpool Empire April 26th 1981:-
Pink Floyd
The Velvet Underground
The Rolling Stones
Roger McGuinn x4
Love x6
Bob Dylan x2
David Crosby/Graham Nash
The Scaffold
David Bowie (Tin Machine)
Peter Gabriel
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Big Country x3
Echo and the Bunnymen x25
The Blue Orchids
Altered Images
Vic Godard and Subway Sect
Orange Juice
The Go-Betweens
The Smiths x 2
Red Guitars
The Chameleons x 3
Spear of Destiny
Sisters of Mercy x2
The Fall x 3
New Order x3
Icicle Works x2
Billy Bragg x2
James x3
It's Immaterial
The Searchers
The Lotus Eaters
Black x2
Morrissey x7
The Christians
Gerry Marsden
The Rain Parade x2
R.E.M. x3
Teenage Fanclub
Cocteau Twins x3
The La's x4
A Certain Ratio x2
Stephen Duffy x3
The Psychedelic Furs
The House of Love x3
Brighter x2
The Orchids
The Sun and the Moon
Mark Burgess
Happy Mondays x2
The Railway Children
The Church
Spiritualized x4
10.000 Maniacs
Manic Street Preachers x2
Super Furry Animals
Galaxie 500 x2
Oasis x2
The Wedding Present x4
Bob Mould
Link Wray
The Durutti Column x8
American Music Club x2
Red House Painters
Mark Eitzel
Mark Kozelek
Joseph Arthur x2
Cosmic Rough Riders x4
Luna x2
The Stairs x2
Gene x4
British Sea Power x11
Television x2
The Stands
The Verve
Richard Ashcroft
The Human League
Secret Shine
Mogwai x4
Ben and Jason
The Blue Nile x3
Prefab Sprout
The Cardigans
The Divine Comedy x2
Explosions in the Sky
Sigur Ros x2
Glide x3
Grant Lee Buffalo
Nick Heyward
I Like Trains
John Denver
The Killers x2
Laura Veirs
Kathrine Williams
Lloyd Cole and the Commotions
Lloyd Cole x2
Ludivico Einaudi
Mercury Rev
I Am Kloot
Mojave 3
Ryan Adams x2
Ryan Adams and the Cardinals
Saint Etienne
Suede x2
Thirteen Senses
Marshmallow Overcoat x4
David Grey x2
The Mel-O-Tones
Gone to Earth
Half Man Half Biscuit
Sizer Barker
Hands off Cuba
Paul Buchanan
Big Audio Dynamite
Little Miss America
Super Furry Animals
I will update the list as and when.
Pink Floyd
The Velvet Underground
The Rolling Stones
Roger McGuinn x4
Love x6
Bob Dylan x2
David Crosby/Graham Nash
The Scaffold
David Bowie (Tin Machine)
Peter Gabriel
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Big Country x3
Echo and the Bunnymen x25
The Blue Orchids
Altered Images
Vic Godard and Subway Sect
Orange Juice
The Go-Betweens
The Smiths x 2
Red Guitars
The Chameleons x 3
Spear of Destiny
Sisters of Mercy x2
The Fall x 3
New Order x3
Icicle Works x2
Billy Bragg x2
James x3
It's Immaterial
The Searchers
The Lotus Eaters
Black x2
Morrissey x7
The Christians
Gerry Marsden
The Rain Parade x2
R.E.M. x3
Teenage Fanclub
Cocteau Twins x3
The La's x4
A Certain Ratio x2
Stephen Duffy x3
The Psychedelic Furs
The House of Love x3
Brighter x2
The Orchids
The Sun and the Moon
Mark Burgess
Happy Mondays x2
The Railway Children
The Church
Spiritualized x4
10.000 Maniacs
Manic Street Preachers x2
Super Furry Animals
Galaxie 500 x2
Oasis x2
The Wedding Present x4
Bob Mould
Link Wray
The Durutti Column x8
American Music Club x2
Red House Painters
Mark Eitzel
Mark Kozelek
Joseph Arthur x2
Cosmic Rough Riders x4
Luna x2
The Stairs x2
Gene x4
British Sea Power x11
Television x2
The Stands
The Verve
Richard Ashcroft
The Human League
Secret Shine
Mogwai x4
Ben and Jason
The Blue Nile x3
Prefab Sprout
The Cardigans
The Divine Comedy x2
Explosions in the Sky
Sigur Ros x2
Glide x3
Grant Lee Buffalo
Nick Heyward
I Like Trains
John Denver
The Killers x2
Laura Veirs
Kathrine Williams
Lloyd Cole and the Commotions
Lloyd Cole x2
Ludivico Einaudi
Mercury Rev
I Am Kloot
Mojave 3
Ryan Adams x2
Ryan Adams and the Cardinals
Saint Etienne
Suede x2
Thirteen Senses
Marshmallow Overcoat x4
David Grey x2
The Mel-O-Tones
Gone to Earth
Half Man Half Biscuit
Sizer Barker
Hands off Cuba
Paul Buchanan
Big Audio Dynamite
Little Miss America
Super Furry Animals
I will update the list as and when.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Forthcoming poetry residency
I have been approached to be poet-in-residence at a new gallery project in Liverpool. The Loft Space is the brainchild of Liverpool artist Jo Derbyshire. The following link will provide more information on the whole project.
I plan to publish the poems written during this residency on this blog.
I plan to publish the poems written during this residency on this blog.
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